From a young age, I have always been attracted by fabrics, their colors and texture. Part of me is very visual and tactile.
Style and fashion are, I could say in my genes. I was born in France, a country where style and fashion are omnipresent.
I have always been an observer and the French coffee terraces have been great for that.
I love to look at the way people dress from the whole silhouette to the tiny detail witch can be very important.
Another part of me has always wanted to help others. That is why the combinaison of love for style and helping others are leading me to Styling.
After some guidance, styling has to come from your heart. It has some therapeutic effects on you. It makes you feelgood and happy. After learning some basic knowledge, we will built some combinaison of outfits that work for you.
I want also people to realize that they cannot limit themselves because of their age or body… They cannot put themselves in a box and definitely not to give up style and fashion. It is a way of respect to yourself. It gives you self confidence. When you get dressed in the morning, you give to the others an image of who you are and how you are feeling.